Friday 15th March 2024
Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
Faculty of English
9 West Road
(Photo by Emma Werner)
The Beyond the Trigger research initiative has drawn together perspectives from inside and outside a variety of academic disciplines, using the key aspects of performance – physicality, space, the relationship of individual to group – to explore the challenges of communicating and understanding psychopathological states.
On Friday 15th March, 7pm, participants will be sharing their creative responses to these discussions and to some of the university’s archival materials concerning literary and medical treatments of trauma. There will be time, too, for attendees to browse (and respond to) those stimuli in an accompanying exhibition.
All are welcome, no registration required.
For more information about the project visit
or email Ian Burrows, the academic lead (
For regular updates, join the Beyond the Trigger mailing list:
Although the Faculty of English building has step-free access, the Judith E Wilson Drama Studio is located in the basement of the building and therefore accessible via a stairwell and step-free via the Faculty Lift.
Please do not attend this event if you are experiencing any cold-like symptoms.
This event has been made possible with the support of a Judith E Wilson Fund Practice-Led Research Grant Award.