An Occasional Series of Workshops and Events with Bhanu Kapil (Judith E. Wilson Poetry Fellow)
Held in the Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
Tuesdays 1:30pm – 3:30pm
All workshops will take place on Tuesday afternoons and may include studio practice, “dirty theory” (pop-in visits from scholars, researchers and writers of different kinds), and communal (or a-communal) reflection upon what is produced in these spaces.
Workshop Cycle 1:
October 15: The Book Before It Arrives
October 22: Mud
October 29: Index: a collaboration with Andrea Spain
November 12: Volatile Grids
November 19: Syntax and the Body
December 3: Responses (a space for you to present your work, produced during this workshop cycle, and think through your process with others: what worked, what sheds off)
Events will unfold throughout the academic year.
Any changes and further announcement of times/location/content, as well as on-going documentation, can be found at this blog: