The Yehuda Amichai Poetry Festival – 13th November 2018

Hebrew Studies Public Talks present




Tuesday 13th November 2018

5:30 to 8:00 pm

The Judith E. Wilson Studio,

English Faculty Building,

9 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DP



Addressing Amichai’s influence on some contemporary poets, the readers will include:  Hana, (Yehuda’s widow), David, (his son), the Algerian born, Amichai prizewinner,  Erez Bitton, and Yvonne Green.  All the readers will read a favourite poem by Yehuda followed by their own work.


Hana, (Yehuda’s widow), will attend and participate in the Q & A.  Both Dr Menna Abukhadra, (an Israeli institute postdoctoral fellow at  FAMES) and Dr Hana Morgenstern, (a Lecturer in Postcolonial and Middle Eastern Literatures at the Faculty of English), will chair the event and lead the discussion.

“Amichai was the poet whose books I still open most often, most often take on a journey, most often return

  to when the whole business of writing anything natural, real and satisfying, seems impossible.” Ted Hughes