Film Screening: ‘Now Circa (1918)’ directed by Redell Olsen, produced by Drew Milne – Friday 8 February 2019, 5pm, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, McCrum Theatre, off Benet Street. All welcome

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Film Screening:

‘Now Circa (1918)’ directed by Redell Olsen

February 8th, 2019, 5.00 pm.

McCrum Theatre, off Benet Street, Cambridge (behind the Eagle pub)

‘Now Circa (1918)’ was written and directed by Redell Olsen, produced by Drew Milne, and starring Catherine Lord, Caitlin Doherty, Saskia West, and Sophie Gilmartin.

The screening will be introduced by Redell Olsen and followed by discussion.

All welcome.

‘Now Circa (1918)’ marks the one hundred year anniversary of female suffrage for some women in the UK. The film’s radical and disjunctive narrative approach takes its shape from the dialogues between two women and their counterparts one hundred years earlier, each on the eve of a march for women’s rights. Conversations are interrupted by a mysterious poetic and out-of-time visitor; Joan Boadicea, whose speech and antics reflect the tensions, parallels and differences between women across time from the era of the suffragettes, to our own present in the age of Trump and #MeToo.

Now Circa (1918) was supported by funding from Judith E. Wilson Fund and Vote 100 at University at Royal Holloway, University of London.

Redell Olsen is a poet, film-maker and academic. Her books of poetry include Film Poems (2014) and Punk Faun: a bar rock pastel (2012).

Now Circa (1918) was shortlisted for ‘Best Research Film of the Year’ at the AHRC Research in Film Awards in 2018.

enquiries: Drew Milne <>

