Professor Sarah Dillon speaking at Bennett Institute for Public Policy Annual Conference

Amidst global plans for economic recovery, resilience, and prosperity, academics and policymakers will meet for the Bennett Institute for Public Policy Annual Conference on Friday 22 April 2022 at the University of Cambridge. The day’s discussions will centre around the Institute’s four key research themes – Place, Progress, Productivity, and Decision-Making in Government. It will be an important platform for leading experts to share their knowledge and research across different disciplines – showing the value of interdisciplinary work. Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance will deliver the keynote which will touch on the combined work of academics and policymakers throughout the pandemic.

Professor Sarah Dillon from the Faculty of English will join a panel on a new research theme at the Bennett Institute, led by Co-Director Professor Dennis C. Grube, which looks at how political decisions are best made and communicated in a crisis. Drawing off the insights of her new book, Storylistening: Narrative Evidence and Public Reasoning, co-authored with Dr Claire Craig, Professor Dillon will join Professor Grube alongside co-panellists Professor Dame Theresa Marteau, Behavioural Scientist and Director of the Behaviour and Health Research Unit, and Sir John Aston, Harding Professor of Statistics in Public Life and former Chief Scientific Adviser at the Home Office.
