Dr Helen Charman (Clare) publishes ‘Mother State: a political history of motherhood’ (Allen Lane/Penguin, 2024)

When we talk about mothering and politics together, we usually consider isolated moments: the policing of breastfeeding, or the cost of childcare. This book argues that this is not enough, constructing an alternative history of the UK—from the Women’s Liberation Movement to austerity—that reveals motherhood itself to be an inherently political state. ‘Mother State places […]

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Claudia Cornelissen awarded a Chawton House Visiting Fellowship

Claudia Cornelissen (PhD candidate, Faculty of English and St John’s College) was selected to Chawton House as a Summer Fellow.  Her research revolves around feminist revisionist literature and she is spending her time as a Visiting Fellow at Chawton working on the parts of her research related to works by Aphra Behn and Charlotte Lennox. […]

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Tom Zille in conversation with Gillian Dooley, Heffers Bookshop, 12 August 2024

Dr Tom Zille speaks to Dr Gillian Dooley, the author of ‘She played and sang’ (Manchester University Press, 2024), which explores Jane Austen and music.  The conversation takes place at Heffers Bookshop, Cambridge, on Monday 12 August at 6pm. Link to further information and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/she-played-and-sang-gillian-dooley-at-heffers-bookshop-tickets-927208574807  

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Megan Hickes’ essay ‘Radical: Marianne Moore’s Characters’ published in the Cambridge Quarterly

Recent graduate, Megan Hickes, was awarded The Cambridge Quarterly Prize in 2023 for her final-year dissertation on Marianne Moore. The Cambridge Quarterly Prize is awarded annually to the best dissertation in the final examination in English and subsequently published in the journal. Megan will be continuing her studies this year on the Cambridge Master’s course. Link […]

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