The London International Palaeography Summer school 2019

The London International Palaeography Summer School (LIPSS) at the Institute of English Studies, University of London is now accepting applications for its summer programme. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until a course is full.

The London International Palaeography Summer School is a series of intensive courses in Palaeography and Manuscript Studies. Courses range from a half to two days duration and are given by experts in their respective fields from a wide range of institutions. 

Courses fees range from Half-Day fees of £50 (standard) and £45 (student), to Five-Day fees of £450 (standard) and £400 (student). The full breakdown of fees can be found here.

Available courses:

10 June 

Introduction to Arabic Scientific Manuscripts (Dr Bink Hallum)

The Development of Penflourishing in late Medieval Manuscripts (Drs Lynda Dennison and Cynthia Johnston) Half-day course AM

The Development of Border Decoration in English Late Medieval Manuscripts (Drs Lynda Dennison and Cynthia Johnston) – Half-day course, PM.

Introduction to English Palaeography, 1500-1900 (Mr Christopher Whittick)

Reading and Editing Renaissance English Manuscripts I (Dr Chris Stamatakis)

11 June 

Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Palaeography (Dr Debby Banham)

Introduction to Middle English Palaeography I (Professor Anthony Edwards)

English Palaeography: the records of criminal justice, 1650-1800 (Mr Christopher Whittick)

Reading and Editing Renaissance English Manuscripts II (Dr Chris Stamatakis)

12 June

Women Patrons, Scribes, and Makers of Medieval Manuscripts (Prof. Clare Lees)

Introduction to Middle English Palaeography II (Professor Anthony Edwards)

1000 Years of Manuscript Production (Patricia Lovett)

Probate records and the historian, 1500-1858 (Mr Christopher Whittick)

An Introduction to Greek Palaeography I (Dr Laura Franco) 

13 June 

The Insular System of Scripts to A.D. 900 (Prof. Julia Crick)

Liturgical and Devotional Manuscripts I (Dr Jenny Stratford and Dr Rowan Watson)

Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Italian Palaeography (Dr Irene Ceccherini and Dr Laura Nuvoloni)

Quills and Calligraphy – a Practical Course (Ms Patricia Lovett)

An Introduction to Greek Palaeography II (Dr Laura Franco)

14 June

Bilingual Manuscripts in England, c.950-1200 (Dr Francisco J. Álvarez López)

Cognitive elements of medieval manuscript layouts: designing and using the folio space (Dr Anna Somfai)

Liturgical and Devotional Manuscripts II (Dr Jenny Stratford and Dr Rowan Watson)

Reading and Editing Medieval Latin Texts (Dr Emily Corran) 

German Palaeography (Dr Dorothea McEwan and Dr Claudia Wedepohl)

The Book of Durrow and the Lindisfarne Gospels in the Context of Early Medieval Europe (Dr Carol Farr)

Further information about the LIPSS can be found on the School’s homepage or through the link The application form is available here.

Questions can be directed



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