Research at the Cambridge English Faculty
Cambridge is one of the largest, best-equipped, and most welcoming centres for literary research in the world. Nearly one hundred scholars pursue teaching and research within the English Faculty and Colleges of the University, as University Teaching Officers, College Teaching Officers, Junior Research Fellows, or Post-Doctoral Fellows. Research is also undertaken by the Faculty's postgraduate students. The remarkable depth and breadth of the Faculty’s research culture enable the development through individual and collaborative work of an exciting diversity of critical, historical, theoretical, and interdisciplinary approaches to literature in English and related subjects.
On these pages you can find further information about the ways in which research is conducted and supported in the English Faculty: the research groups, organized by area, period, or topic, which define specific research communities; the collaborative research projects for which some of us are responsible; and the research seminars, at which staff, visiting speakers, and graduate students present their work. You can also browse our Research Features archive which provides in-depth looks at some of our research projects, publications and impact.
For Cambridge staff, there are also pages to help you find appropriate sources of research funding, both internal and external, information about HEFCE’s Open Access policy, and resources supporting research impact.
Featured Research Projects
The Faculty of English conducts research in many ways. Collaboratively, we work with CRASSH on projects like The Concept Lab. We also work closely with Cambridge Digital Humanities. Below are some of our featured research projects. Feel free to explore!